I've been trying to think...
I've added to my three other blogs already, and I am trying to think now what gem of wisdom I can contribute to this blog. It's hot though, and I am tired, so I haven't much of a brain right now.
There we are... the topic of why you shouldn't do Magic(k) (or blog ?) when you're tired or run down.
Or equally... the topic of why there are so many ways of spelling M-A-G-I-C in use now and what the variations all mean !? Maybe I should just spell it W-I-T-C-H-C-R-A-F-T and be done with it ! Did you notice, by the way, that the URL is spelled wrong for this site ? Not a deliberate mistake, just a slip up.
I have an all-day headache right now and I am going gaming this evening. Not good. I loathe this hot weather. Time for more cold water and (legal) drugs.
I don't do (illegal) drugs, by the way. Never have, not even 'shrooms. A friend (who smokes) once commented that I was already way out there and didn't need to do drugs. As a witch I like to be in control of my practises; if I experience 'something' I like to know it wasn't just a drug-induced hallucination.
'Substances' have formed part of some Magical practices for an awful long time, I know. I just don't see the need for me to subscribe, I can achieve an altered state in other ways that to me are more meaningful.
There we go, I found something to write about after all... time to go now and get ready for my game.
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