Suburban Wytchery

A sacred space amidst the new wilderness which is Suburbia. A thought-bubble grove where peace of mind and personal empowerment can be found.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Sex Magick

Yeah, I know...

Anyways, about this sex magick thing...

I have a hang up about having sex with a relative stranger, even if he claims he's an incarnation of my God at the time he's laying it on me. Purely and simply I'm not going there. If the God wants or needs sex with me he can have a word with my boyfriend and they can come to some arrangement about possessing him for a while.

People who might have glanced at my other site, 'Gender Irrelevant' will realise that this isn't about me being a prude. Sex is good. I like sex. What it is about is me being true to myself (and my love and respect for my partner).

For a start, I am an abuse survivor. For me, that adds extra emotional weight to having sex. Because of that history I flatly refuse to have sex without emotions being involved. 'Casual' sex is not something I indulge in. (I have in the past, but we make mistakes so that we can learn by them, and I try to be a good student).

Secondly, my partner isn't pagan or witchy or wiccan and I won't impose my religion's requirements on his emotional self. And I don't cheat, not even with 'deities'.

Thirdly, I feel sex magick is too open to abuse. Done well it is a marvellous thing, I have no doubt, but realistically there are very few people with the moral fortitude not to exploit and corrupt the Great Rite for their own ends. People are human, even the 'clergy' of my own religion. Plus, by the way, I don't do 'clergy' in Magick. Magick is about a direct line to the Almighty, no intercession required, thanks.

Finally, there's enough people going at it like rabbits, any given moment of the day or night, without the universe needing my sex magick energies to help it function.

I really do look askance at anyone who might say sex magick is a requirement for worshipping in their coven / tradition etc. It has it's place, but it's place isn't me, sorry and all. Just wanted to get that off my chest, having been browsing a few witchy websites today.


At 2:09 pm, Blogger Mutableblue said...

Nowadays many people perform sex magic workings


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