Suburban Wytchery

A sacred space amidst the new wilderness which is Suburbia. A thought-bubble grove where peace of mind and personal empowerment can be found.

Friday, April 06, 2012

Today I am reading up on Lemurian crystals and Lemurian Attunement. There will be a talk on Lemuria and Lemurian Healing at the Seraphina Suite in Ashton-under-Lyne on Saturday 12th May (£20), 2pm 'til 4pm, and I am trying to decide if it is something I might like to attend.

Sue and Kathryn from Serpahina Suite have both had Lemurian Attunements from the speaker and say it is wonderful and that the energies are marvellous.

There's also an 'Introduction to Crystal Therapy Workshop' happening at the Seraphina Suite on 20th May 10am to 4pm, at £50, including refreshments and crystal starter pack. If you are interested in either of these events you can call Kathryn on 07813 494 485.

Although Crystal Carols is very near to the Seraphina Suite and the ladies are friends I don't think this particular crystal workshop is being run by Carol.

You CAN book for Crystal Carol's crystal courses and her psychic development workshop by contacting her at her shop - 0161 339 6677 - between 10am and 4pm. Carol teaches both introductory level courses and the Level 1 and Level 2 Melody qualifications. Her crystal courses are very intimate (between 2 and 6 students), in-depth and very good value for money. Carol also makes her own range of crystal jewellery, her Spirals range, and is the exclusive source for genuine Que Sera (R) stones (example pictured above).

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