I recently asked for an explanation of 'Ascension'. In answer, was passed a copy of 'Ascension Cards: Accelerate your Journey into the Light' by Diana Cooper. The following is an extract from what I read there, and describes what it is like to express the qualities of Ascension:
"Ascension Qualities
"Ascension means raising your vibration until your cells are filled with light. All your thoughts, words, emotions and actions are vibrations which radiate around you and attract similar energy to you.Ascensions entails watching your thoughts and words and purifying them, cleansing your emotions and acting with love and integrity for the highest good. When you radiate at your higher level you live in joy and freedom and experience oneness.
When you trust yourself you can trust the Universe to look after you. you attract trustworthy people into your life.
When you are totally honest with yourself and speak your truth, others will trust you for you are in alignment with the divine.
When someones actions damage or hurt you, make yourself peaceful and bless them. Then the Universe will bring new and better to you.
"Honouring Others
Accept people exactly as they are without wanting to change them. This is the greatest respect you can offer another soul.
See the best in every situation and person, and feel your heart glow with happiness.
When you are grounded and feel you belong on Earthyou enjoy a sense of deep peace and satisfaction.
When you open your heart to others you enfold them in warmth and love".
-- Diana Cooper
Labels: Ascension, culture, Diana Cooper, Holistic Healing, psychic development
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