Suburban Wytchery

A sacred space amidst the new wilderness which is Suburbia. A thought-bubble grove where peace of mind and personal empowerment can be found.

Monday, August 21, 2006

'Time Off' for Religious Festivals

My workplace issues a calendar of religious festivals. It covers Christian, Hindu, Muslim and Jewish holidays ('holy' days). I'd love to get my 'holy' days recognised on that calendar, yet I can't, for three reasons...

The first reason is fear of persecution. I am well aware that the 'head' of my 'firm' is a practising 'Christian', although there is an appearance of religious tolerance in the place: We have a Minister on call (though no nurse), we have a 'Prayer Room', which is mostly used by the Muslims in our working community, we have regular visits from Buddhists offering meditation classes ('suggested' donation £5 a time).

The second reason, though, is that I can't actually classify my true faith. As discussed in a previous thread, I can't apply the words 'Wiccan' or 'Pagan' to myself. I am a witch, albeit a suburban one. It is acceptable now to put 'Jedi' on forms under the category 'Faith', but 'Witchcraft' isn't going to get by without considerable comment, and possible loss of employment, since I work with minors and 'witch' is still mistakenly read as 'satanist' or 'paedophile' by many people, including most (non-wytchy) employers.

The third reason, though, and the main reason why I don't fight the system, is that my holy days aren't officially recognised. I have known a Catholic colleague fight to get her extra holy days recognised, but if I declared my true faith, I might stand to lose all those nice extra holidays like 'Christmas' that I now get by default. Bummer, eh ?

Mind you, many of the Christian holy days do coincide with wytchy ones, as do some bank holidays etc., so really am I just being pedantic when things like this occur to me ?

For the record, there's also an appearance of social difference and gender tolerance here too, but I don't expect I'd get 'Poly Day' off work either...


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