Suburban Wytchery

A sacred space amidst the new wilderness which is Suburbia. A thought-bubble grove where peace of mind and personal empowerment can be found.

Friday, December 15, 2006

The Wheel Turns

It's nearly Yule now. I hope you all have a terrific holidays, whatever particular one you may be celebrating.

I've been horribly busy recently, so I haven't had the time to blog. Also, my tutor has decided to retire, and I am once again back to being a Solitary. I'm sad about that, because I felt I was making good progress and learning a lot from her. But her Life took precedence, and that happens for people sometimes. I know that feeling.

My friend who owned a Wiccan shop has closed her doors recently too. The recession got the better of her business, which is a shame.

The Wheel Turns. Things change. I was reminded of an important part of my own philosophy the other day, when a student said to me a phrase I have used myself many times: "There's a reason for everything that happens, and it happens for the good even when you can't see that at the time". Words to that effect, anyway...

See you all on the other side of Yule. Blessed be.