Suburban Wytchery

A sacred space amidst the new wilderness which is Suburbia. A thought-bubble grove where peace of mind and personal empowerment can be found.

Friday, February 27, 2015

Beautiful Night Goddess

I'd love to credit this of anyone knows who it originated with? Please comment if you do.

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Thursday, February 26, 2015

Visited by Frog

Today I had a special visitor, a beautiful, large frog, and with it the spirit of Frog.

This was a large frog, the size of my palm, with huge back feet beautifully webbed with frills on the edges of the webbing. He was a beautiful soft green with a lighter underbelly. My neighbour found it on her child's pram, which was so strange. Being squeamish, she asked me to remove it.

The frog very happily stepped onto my hand, then sat there quietly and let me check him over. Frog slowly climbed from my palm to the back of my hand, still in no hurry to be off! I've not seen this in a frog before. Eventually I carried it outside and it slowly climbed off my hand at the edge of a puddle. Frog sat there a couple of minutes, seemingly very content, then slowly swam / hopped away into the grass. What a lovely encounter!

Photo from:

For information about Frog as a totem and spirit animal, go to

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Monday, February 09, 2015

Ras Al Hanout

Ras Al Hanout is a Morroccan spice combination used in cookery. It's composition varies and often it is just referred to as 'Morroccan Spice'. This is the ingredients list given by Alchemists Apothecary:

Rose Petals
Black Pepper

You will gather, it's HOT, so use sparingly!