"The History of Grimoires"
Amazon recently 'recommended' a book to me with a similar title. I don't wish to malign any one partiular author, so I've anonymised the title. I want to have a rant, though. Grimoires and Books of Shadows... pretty props for TV shows, but not the real thing !
Very simple. I'll summarise it in a similar way my mentor once did... A) Most witches of the past were illiterate B)Having a book telling all about your spells and goings on could get you drowned, burned or otherwise horribly murdered by your neighbours or sundry passing busy-bodies.
Feel free to make notes and write journals, but if it's truly 'secret', make it so by encrypting it. There are lots of different types of encoding you could use, and you'd be surprised how quickly you learn to read them, as easily as English, once you start using them regularly. And for Gods' sake, stop publishing the same old sh*t dressed up as 'wisdom' and 'taught me by the great and glorious Ascended Master Bloggity-Blog'!
Blind 'faith' and exploitative nobodies dressed in fancy robes leading dim sheep to financial slaughter is the rule of thumb. If someone claims to have real / secret wisdom / power, ask yourself... would I be posting it on a blog or publishing it for the masses if it really works ? Would I want that dopey-looking kid down the street reading it and trying to use it ? Find REAL PEOPLE, genuine practitioners, and USE YOUR COMMON BL**DY SENSE FOR GAWD'S SAKE !!!