Contemplating Loki
For some months now I've been thinking about, and starting to work with, Loki and his Family. *Watches as some Asatruer run away*
I've also been asking myself how we know what is interaction with a God, 'angel', 'ET' or spirit, and what is coincidence, delusion or self hypnosis?
Loki's touch has been very light so far, hence me questioning myself . . . Nevertheless, I have started gathering materials for an altar to Him and his family, and giving serious thought to whether I am doing the right thing and whether I can cope with the additional Chaos that may come into my life as a result of developing a working relationship with Him?
In my head I have been contemplating what form my altar to Loki and his family might take? I was thinking that I need a tray, to hold the various trinkets and bits that will be gifted to Him and Them. What kind of tray would be appropriate, what material it should be made of, what size it should be, were all parts of my lengthy thought processes. Then this afternoon my sister (who does not know me very well and is not aware I am a witch) walks in and presents me with a food parcel for a late Xmas present; the basket from it is exactly the size I had decided I wanted to get for the Loki altar! So, I can hear now, ringing loud an clear in my mind "Hurry Up! Stop dithering! Give me my bling!"
Not only is the basket the perfect size, but some of the packaging off the other gift my sister brought me is perfect for lining the basket so that things don't fall out through the woven wicker of the basket and it fits in it perfectly! LOLs!
I want to recommend the book 'Feeding the Flame:A Devotional to Loki and His Family', by Galina Krasskova.
I also recommend this website: Northern Paganism
Labels: altar, angels, Asatru, bling, devotionals, doubts, ETs, Feeding the Flame, Galina Krasskova, Gods, Loki, Loki's Family, Norse Pantheon, Northen Tradition, Rokkatru, spirits